Celebrate All the Things

Finally, after years of pointless hoping, I finally entered the Novel Fair run by the Irish Writer’s Centre. I’ve been thinking about it since it first started over ten years ago, buoyed a little by the fact that my sister’s school friend won it. It seemed achievable (said friend went on to publish her novel and win substantial prize money from it too, not so achievable after all perhaps).

So after writing the first draft, polishing my chapters with the help of family and my writing group, I sent it in. And paid the money too, wishing more than ever that I had entered years ago when the gap between 1 Euro and 1 Turkish Lira was not so vast.

While a celebration is in order for reaching this milestone, I must not rest on my laurels. I have a second draft to finish and the announcement of the shortlist is a very good date to use as a deadline. So by December, the second draft will be done and even polished in spots too.

My advice for anyone who wants to enter the Novel Fair next year; start now! August is too late.

Now, I’m off to revise…

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